Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Crimson Toes

As she looks down at crimson toes,
She hides secrets no one knows.

Inside those blue-grey eyes,
Can you see deep down inside?

What is it that she truly feels?
Do you think it is real?

If she could find a way to share,
Would someone even care?

Soft hands that hold her just right,
She yearns for them late at night.

Once touched by a sweet kiss,
She wonders could it always be like this.

The sheets all clean and ready for bed,
She still can’t get stuff out of her head.

Wishing for a drink with lime,
She has much more to do and no more time.

Tired and sleepy she says good night,
Hoping the morning will bring new light.

Snuggled up with her favorite hound,
Her rest will finally be found.

~Sunshine 11/17/09

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Meet Denver...he is my special friend. He always greets me with lots of love and excitement. Denver keeps me company on those long lonely days and nights when the kids are gone. He also thinks he can take over the bed at night. He really should pick a side to sleep on, but he likes the middle, all pushed up against me or on my pillows. Can't figure that one out. I guess he is like me...a little spoiled...or maybe a lot. He travels with me sometimes, so he thinks he can drive too. Popa calls him Fred and thinks I should sell him on ebay. Ha Ha Ha... I really think he loves him, but just don't want anyone to know it. Everyone said he couldn't be taught tricks, but he shakes hands with either paw you ask for. He can give you a high five. He will sit when you tell him to do it. He will play fetch with you. He really likes to tear up stuffed animals. Denver can dig a mean hole in the back yard without being asked. In the front yard, my yard, your yard...it doesn't matter where. Denver once roamed the neighborhood. He liked to play "hide and seek" or maybe it was "tag you're it". You could call him and he would come to you, but when you wanted him to go in the house, he would take off again. You would have to laugh because there was no need in crying. It would just make your eyes red. I am thankful today for something that has brought me such joy. I hope everyone has a great day!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tybee Island

Can you see the two empty chairs? They are just calling out to me..."Come, sit, relax, watch, dream and rest...".

I could do that most any day. I am not sure if you can see the words on the tower, but it says Tybee Island. This particular weekend, my visit was for only a few hours in the afternoon, but it was well worth the trip.

The beach was almost empty from all the sun loving creatures that flock to it each day. All had gone in for a shower and something to eat. It was a wonderful time to walk and talk and see the simple things God has made. I enjoyed it so very much. I can't wait to do it again someday.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pork Chop

This is a new friend to me and lots of others...I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Today I spent a few hours alone. Sometimes it is nice to just sit and think. I have been working on this poem for a few days now. I hope you enjoy it. The picture is from a trip with my best friend a few years ago. I was full of happiness that day!

Healthy living

Attitudes changing

Passionate loving

Patiently waiting

Independent thinking

New beginnings

Endless talking

Silent understanding

Someday sharing

~Sunshine 9/9/09

Monday, August 17, 2009


Sadness comes into your life in so many different ways. Someone can die and you experience a great sense of sadness. Someone can move away and even though you can still talk or occasionally see them, you will still be some what sad. Someone can hurt your feelings and even if you think you are okay with it, it is still hard to move on. Sometimes, I think you can just be sad and not know why. I seem to be experiencing my share of sadness lately. I am not sure why it is me that has to carry this dark rainy cloud. My best friend calls me Sunshine and I am really not sure why anymore. I really don't feel that I brighten anybody's day, not even my own. So therefore, I have been digging deep in my soul searching for what makes me happy in an effort to kick this blasted bad attitude's butt. A part of my life is slowly coming to an end and I find myself wondering what is around the corner for me. Will I have all I ever dreamed of? Will I be able to make it day by day? To make myself happy, do I have to make everyone else around me miserable? Most importantly, will I truly be happy? Sometimes I get so confused!

S imply the

A ttitudes of others

D etermine the

N ecessary

E ndurance of

S adness placed upon

S unshine today

I wrote this poem because the way other people treat me determines my happiness. I am not sure why I allow this in my life, but I am not quite sure how to make it stop. I think it is a lack of respect. Do you feel you can love someone and not respect them? Or maybe just not give them the respect they deserve? If you have suggestions...Just leave me a comment...I am very interested! And oh, by the way...my sadness doesn't last too long. I can usually eat a piece of chocolate, drink a Diet Dr. Pepper, vent a little bit to someone, then I can keep moving along through out my day. Have a good one everybody!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Charleston Harbor

Last fall, I was standing on board the USS Yorktown and I saw this bird perching on the fence, so... I took this picture. Taking pictures is one of my favorite things to do. But, I thought I was just taking a picture of a silly bird for grins and giggles! Surprisingly, when I had the pictures developed, I saw this amazing picture of the Charleston Harbor in the background. Oh! At the things we miss that are in plain sight. That day, I took lots of pictures aboard the ship and on all of the other military vessels. I even saw some dolphins playing. But, I never thought about what was in the background. Sometimes, that is the way life is for me. I get busy...always focused on things to do that I miss something wonderful hiding around the corner or in the background. Try to stop today and look around...you might see something great or better yet...experience something new!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


What do you feel this creature is standing there thinking about? Is it a girl or a boy? Why is it standing and not sitting? What is it looking at? Why didn't it move when I got close to it? Maybe it is thinking...

"Man that water is deep!"

"Wonder if the water is cold today?"

"Why is that silly lady coming to take my picture?"

These are some of the things I thought about when I came upon this beautiful bird in Clearwater, Florida. It was gorgeous just standing there. It seems so peaceful. I love the ocean and it was a wonderful treat to get this close to a bird of this size. What do you think it was thinking and why?

Monday, August 3, 2009


This is my friend MONDAY. I think he is a box turtle. I saw him at the lake with my best friend a few weeks ago. It was raining that day and he was hiding under the steps. I think I would have been hiding there too. I am not really sure why I assume it is a boy turtle, but since I found him, I think I can say he is a boy if I want. I named him Monday because at work on Monday morning, I always feel like he acts....slow and easy and never in a hurry...maybe even trying to hide!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Liberty, Sunshine, Big Time






Sunday, June 28, 2009


Thursday - Tonight as the warm summer air surrendered to a cool evening breeze, I marveled as a rose colored sky touched the tree tops and faded away behind the mountain and was gently replaced by a small crescent moon and tiny little stars. The smell of the campfires burning filled the air while lightening bugs brightened our path across the parkway....

Friday - Sipping drinks on a hard rock...resting on the riverbank...tingling toes in the cool water...watching the mallards play...rain sticks shaking...smelling new leather...savoring a sample...Libby's pipes sounding......shivering and star gazing... Can we do it again tomorrow???

Saturday - Sitting, watching, waiting...looking, wondering, wanting...hoping, wishing, dreaming...cooking, drinking, eating...snuggling, playing, sleeping

Loved the special time with my favorite friend!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Saturday in the Garden

Saturday in the garden,
We sat picking from the vines
Starting not long after nine
My dad and I…

Saturday in the garden,
We moved down each row
Getting muddy head to toe
My dad and I…

Saturday in the garden,
We talked and we listened
As the dew glistened
My dad and I…

Saturday in the garden,
We shared our hearts
Touching every part
My dad and I…

Saturday in the garden,
We laughed and played
Looking for some shade
My dad and I…

Saturday in the garden,
We were thankful for the crop
So tired that we could drop
My dad and I...

- Sunshine
- June 22, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Sitting here wishing the morning away
Reading the cards you have sent my way
Hoping to get a glimpse of you today

Smelling the coffee as it perks
Thinking of that crazy smirk
Knowing you should be at work

Meeting in our special place
Touching you on your sweet face
Dreaming of your warm embrace

Watching the birds fly around
Growing some plants in the ground
Loving on our favorite hound

Listening to a beautiful song
Wondering if you would be very long
Knowing that I can be strong

Shopping for a good deal
Cooking up your favorite meal
Wanting to know just how you feel

Dancing as we cook the fish
Scrubbing clean each dish
Typing up every wish

Driving about town
Having a small frown
Trying not to be so down

Strolling through the park
Wishing it wouldn’t get dark
Holding on to that little spark

Parking out in the car
Gazing up at the stars
Singing only a few bars

Wiggling our toes in the sand
Exploring everywhere hand in hand
Waiting patiently for a gold band

Laughing until we cry
Sharing always eye to eye
Living on a natural high

Hearing voices on the phone
Dreading you will soon be gone
Throwing not a single stone

Playing down on the swings
Questioning what tomorrow brings
Soaring with our great wings

Learning just how to ride
Tingling sensations deep inside
Desiring to be a bride

Wandering around in the fallen dew
Pondering my love for you
Cherishing each and every view

Feeling the rain as it falls
Writing on each other’s walls
Trusting that this is not all

- Sunshine
- June 11, 2009
