Thursday, May 27, 2010


Battered, bruised and broken...we breathe.

Forward, finally and forever...we feel.

Power, pain and plenty...we ponder.

New, now and next...we need.

Tired, tattered and together...we tread.

Walking, wishing and wanting...we wander.

Happiness, health and home...we honor.

Silly Putty, Sugar and Sweetheart...we share.

Looking, laughing and loving...we land.


~Sunshine 5/26/10~

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My First Fishing Trip

Not the best picture of me...but what a fish!! Ha ha ha...

This a picture of my first fishing trip ever...and the catfish I brought back with me. Some very special friends were "babysitting" me that day and I enjoyed it very much! Thanks for sharing your day with me! It was the best! I hope we get to go again really soon. It was a tasty treat for supper!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


2010 Chevy Camaro

Dreaming about my favorite car today.
This one actually belongs to a friend of mine.
Wonder if she will ever let me drive it?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hang on....

Ripley the Rain Frog.

It was already dark and the crickets were chirping. I can't seem to remember exactly why I was outside that night, but maybe it was to cook on the grill. I noticed this frog was hanging on the back of the lakehouse door. Each and every time I opened or closed the door, he continued to hang on. Even after I tortured him by taking picture after picture, blinding him with the flash...he still hung on! Click after click, I just wasn't sure I was getting the one picture I wanted. After I marveled at him for a while, I went inside not thinking about him anymore. Maybe assuming he would go away somewhere and play. Lots of time pasted and I had forgotten all about my friend Ripley, the frog outside.

Later that evening I was resting on the couch, enjoying the dinner that was prepared and some TV. All of a sudden, I thought I saw something fall from the ceiling. Not knowing what it was and being afraid, I pulled my legs up on the couch. Oh no! I thought I saw it move again. What was it? I couldn't see it...and then it moved again! It was Ripley!!! He wanted to come in and watch TV with me! YAY!!!

After much laughter and fun, I finally caught my new friend in a food container and sent him on a new adventure to a different place in the yard. I truly hope I didn't hurt him in the move, but he hopped off as if it had been fun getting to know me.

I hope everyone likes the picture as much as I loved this moment in time. Maybe it will remind you to HANG ON whether your door is open or shut and just yourself to a little relaxation...ha ha ha...

Have a great day!
