Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Meet Denver...he is my special friend. He always greets me with lots of love and excitement. Denver keeps me company on those long lonely days and nights when the kids are gone. He also thinks he can take over the bed at night. He really should pick a side to sleep on, but he likes the middle, all pushed up against me or on my pillows. Can't figure that one out. I guess he is like me...a little spoiled...or maybe a lot. He travels with me sometimes, so he thinks he can drive too. Popa calls him Fred and thinks I should sell him on ebay. Ha Ha Ha... I really think he loves him, but just don't want anyone to know it. Everyone said he couldn't be taught tricks, but he shakes hands with either paw you ask for. He can give you a high five. He will sit when you tell him to do it. He will play fetch with you. He really likes to tear up stuffed animals. Denver can dig a mean hole in the back yard without being asked. In the front yard, my yard, your doesn't matter where. Denver once roamed the neighborhood. He liked to play "hide and seek" or maybe it was "tag you're it". You could call him and he would come to you, but when you wanted him to go in the house, he would take off again. You would have to laugh because there was no need in crying. It would just make your eyes red. I am thankful today for something that has brought me such joy. I hope everyone has a great day!


Pblacksaw said...

what a great dog.. he reminds me of my dog buddy who is no longer with us..

Camella Black said...

I like your Denver, our son once owned a wonderful beagle; he now has 2 beautiful dogs and was nice enough to share and gave me his third dog... Nemo who is a bull terrier mix with 3 legs.

Nemo is my friend and I don't know what I would do without him or the cat... Lint, but THAT is another story.

Sunshine said...
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