Saturday, January 2, 2010

Morning Walk

As I walked down the pathway wondering what lay ahead,
It was way to early to be out of bed.

Nothing to hear and nothing to be said,
But lots of thoughts stirring in my head.

Pine trees standing so tall and so still,
My face feeling a slight chill.

Fallen leaves crinkling under my feet,
Not a one of them placed very neat.

Lots of ducks playing out on the lake,
Maybe waiting to see a snowflake.

Deep water seeming calm and clear,
Silently hoping I would see a deer.

Brown rabbit scampering into the brush,
Denver getting ready to rush.

The cool air and gray sky,
Just not wanting to say goodbye.

Standing there in awe of it all,
Sincerely having a ball.

Slowly back to the house I start,
Happy and content deep in my heart.

~Sunshine 1/6/2010


Big Time said...

Nothing better than being content. <3

Sunshine said...

You are so right my friend.
